I just figured out I must have that Bon Jovi song "Lay Your Hands On Me" playing from my womb for the whole world to hear because everyone feels the need to touch my abdomen. I told one person at work that my backside was growing also would they like to touch that too. I don't blame people and in a way I'm sure it's endearing but come on, I might as well have been born with a permanent sign on me that says "Personal space issues, please approach with caution".
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Prego Update
I just wanted to give a quick update on the beanie baby! We have our ultrasound Wednesday to find out what we are having! I have heard mostly girl guesses from work and church friends. Sherstine is one of the few people who have guessed boy. We'll see, I have no blasted idea. All I know is I'm 18 weeks and still nauseous 75% of the time. So, glory be to that 25% of the time I feel ok because so many women don't even get that. I am VERY thankful for the level of morning sickness I had and have because I KNOW it could be so much worse. I'm ready for Ralph to hit the road though. We have already bought the crib and changing table/dresser. I have known what I've wanted for awhile so we snatched it up. Dave has put the changing table/dresser together and it is soooo cute. He has quite a few projects for Christmas break. Boy or girl, one or three, I honestly couldn't be happier. I hope that baby doesn't already have a sense of modesty! I have nightmares of crossed legs!
Posted by
Rasmussen Family
9:49 PM
Vampire Love Affair Update
I have to send out an update to all my fellow fans of the Twilight series. I have finished the 2nd book New Moon but am still waiting for the 3rd one from the library. I know I should just borrow it but I can't help it I love the anticipation from the message from the Louisville Free Public Library saying my book is ready to be picked up. I read the second one in 2 days. I tried to savor it a little longer but I couldn't help it. Someone asked me if guys would like these books. My gut instinct would have to be NO. It does have exciting, thrilling moments but it has A LOT of romance and I think most guys would stab their eyes out by the 2nd chapter. That's just my opinion though. I swoon through the whole thing so I don't care what guys think about it. Hurry crappy library, hurry!
Posted by
Rasmussen Family
9:37 PM
Mother of Pearl
I have hated my blog for too long so I decided to finally do something about the blah, blech, and yawness. I searched high and low for something that was more me and less generic. Boy oh boy was I in for it. First of all I don't speak bloganese or whatever language it is these people on the websites are speaking. And not to be overly rude but I didn't want a template of Christina, Brit, or a ladies behind. I mean are bloggers 12? Anyway, I finally found something that worked and followed the directions and tadah I was in business EXCEPT I couldn't read my posts. They had disappeared. I must have copied and pasted that thing 5 times before I begged Dave to pull himself away from Halo. It took him 3 seconds to realize my font was the same color as my background and he fixed it in 5 seconds. So here I am new blog and all excited to get on here and make some blog magic. Don't expect miracles people but I am much more comfortable in my new blog home.
Posted by
Rasmussen Family
9:20 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Happy, Happy Joy, Joy
Well, if there is a bigger blogger slacker out there I would like to meet them. Probably no one looks at this thing anymore. Well let me catch this thing up to speed. We are FINALLY pregnant. Yes, if you are finding out by reading this blog I apologize but I am not one for big announcements. It's a long story that I am sure to get to in a post eventually but I wanted to quickly list my "Thanksgiving thanks" since I missed doing that at actual Thanksgiving. This hasn't been an easy year but it has been a blessed year and I have so many things to be thankful for that it's hard to list them all so here's a few...
My husband for being supportive and dealing with a crazy woman in more ways than people know.
My sister for ALWAYS making time for me no matter what she has going on. Which is a whole heck of a lot.
My mom and her strength.
Modern medicine and doctors who care.
Roxy the best dog in the whole blasted world.
The gospel and having a testimony.
Thanks for indulging me while I get mushy on everybody. I will get back to blogging and sharing our boring life!
Posted by
Rasmussen Family
7:01 PM