Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Do You Hear What I Hear?

I just figured out I must have that Bon Jovi song "Lay Your Hands On Me" playing from my womb for the whole world to hear because everyone feels the need to touch my abdomen. I told one person at work that my backside was growing also would they like to touch that too. I don't blame people and in a way I'm sure it's endearing but come on, I might as well have been born with a permanent sign on me that says "Personal space issues, please approach with caution".


the mortensen's said...

I was always lucky with that. I must look like b**** or something because that has never really happened to me. Why are people so annoying?

Meridyth said...

I was the same way--so i never touch anyone else's tummy. The only one i didn't mind, besides James, was my mom.

the mortensen's said...

you need to do a blog about mini rasmussen!

Leslie said...

My friend Monica and I were pregnant at the same time and people felt the need to constantly compare us. "you're bigger you must be having a boy" and all kinds of rubbish.

Rebecca said...

That is soo funny! I completely agree, way to go for telling her about your backside growing as well :) I wasn't touched much...maybe people sensed it about me, not sure!

the mortensen's said...

bowling was super fun last night. Wayne and I are still laughing about Livia jumping down that flight of stairs over and over! Crazy weather today, did Dave's flight get delayed?

Lacey said...

BROOK! Randa sent me your blog address...I'm so excited to see that you have a blog and I'm excited to keep in better touch!! You can check me out at www.lyarn1.blogspot.com

As for the pregnant belly thing..I totally relate!! And it doesn't get better as you get bigger...people think it's SO CUTE, especially when your tiny with a belly!!

AND, I'm so happy to see that you read Twilight and New Moon..did you ever get Eclipse? Did you know they are making a movie? My book club and I are totally into the books..we even went to a book signing here in Az..it was so fun!

Tell Dave I said Hello and leave me a comment or 2 on my blog!

love and miss ya! Lacey

the mortensen's said...

this is your blog speaking...please update me! :)