Friday, September 4, 2009

Just Peachy

North Carolina I want to let you know I am disappointed in you. You are a southern state. You are attached to SC which produces peaches up the ying yang. So why is it that I can not pick a peach in this area and can't even find a decent one for a decent price in your stores? Peaches are my favorite thing and bring me pure happiness. I am mad at you, North Carolina. All I have to say is next year I am making a trip home to pick my peach loving self a HUGE box of delicious South Carolina peaches. Tisk-Tisk. Shame-Shame.


Perrero Clan said...

You are hilarious! Peaches are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ALSO!!!

Perrero Clan said...

P.S. Don't worry, I'll eat em all for you here in good ol UTAH!