Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Ok ,unless you are my little brother you have no idea that ragem tagem is actually me cursing. Yes, I am cursing once again about none other than... Mia's sleeping or lack of sleeping. Last night I was up until 1am with her screaming her guts out at me. I tried everything and she just wanted to scream. Usually as long as I'm holding her she is just peachy keen. Last night was rare and I hope she isn't starting a new phase. She might be teething but who really knows. She was sleeping through the night until about 2 weeks ago when she started waking up 2 to 4 times a night. I am back to being exhausted like when she was a newborn. I feel like a zombie right now. But like my wise mother in law says "This too shall pass.". I'm just trying to enjoy Mia as much as possible because they grow WAY too fast. I love her and would do anything for her but I can't wait until she's sleeping through the night again. So if you see me and I look like death just tell me how fabulous I look. Sleep, we'll meet again soon and I want you to know I love you and miss you dearly!


The Riggs said...

You look fabulous :) I'm right there with you. Emma is a night owl.

Max Fam said...

i hate that phrase- this too shall pass. that's a stupid phrase and doesn't ever make you feel better.

bring that little stinker over here and I'll spank her into shape! ;)

the mortensen's said...

oh girl, I know how ou feel both my kids stopped sleeping through the night at exactly 5 months. It lasted for about 5 months. I wanted to die.
The only thing that would get me through those nights was a good movie and the thought that I would nap with them the next day.
good luck

Lacey said...

I feel your pain! Addysen is still waking up atleast once a night..Elodie was sleeping through the night permenantly at 5 weeks! UGH! Thankfully, she is up and eats and then goes right back to sleep...it still stinks! Good luck..it doesn't pass quickly so keep your head up!

Candy said...

I read a thought that may help: when beset with trouble(in this case, lack of sleep and stressed nerves), ask yourself, "Will this matter five years from now?"
I don't care what the house looks like, if she naps, you nap, also. Eventually it will all work out. You are a great mother!

Perrero Clan said...

Yes Brook! I agree with Candy...make sure you nap in the day time, even if it is hard to do so.

Leslie said...

Daniel, at three years old, is going through a phase where he wants to get in bed with us. I have started putting a pillow and blanket on the floor so I can get some sleep!

Steuer Family News said...

ARe you kidding? I know exactly how you feel about the night time thing. Madeleine is much more high maintenance when it comes to being held all the time too which makes it hard for me to get things done. Oh, well. By the way, you do look beautiful, and I'm not just saying that b/c you said to!