Friday, August 15, 2008

And Round One Goes To... Mia!!!!

Mia is a very good baby but her sleep habits (or lack there of) leave me exhausted. She doesn't want to take naps and if she does she will only sleep for like 30 mins. And we won't even talk about night time. She was getting so much better and sleeping through the night but now she is reverting back to her rougher days. The pictures below are after an especially bad night. She has a scratch under her nose and one on her cheek. She showed sleep who the boss was but honestly I'm ready for sleep to win a few rounds again!

She is proud of her victory!!


Holly said...

Sounds like Mia's got your spunk! I hope it gets better...good luck.

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh! She's changed so much. I'm crying over these babies growing so fast. Slow down - babies. Ahh, they'll be teenagers before we know it.


Candy said...

That second picture says it all...what a girl! Our Mia is a spitfire and an angel! Love, DeeDee

Lacey said...

She is really filling out! Definitely not a newborn anymore!!

Be patient with the sleep there really such a thing as a sleep schedule when you have a new baby. Addysen will be 6 months on the 5th of September and I just now feel like we are on a good routine that I can count on! She is still waking up once a night but goes down at 6:30pm so I can't complain!

Good luck...this too shall pass and it will be a blur!! Then all of a sudden their 4 and starting ya!

the mortensen's said...

that first picture is hilarious! I guess we know who's boss! Isn't funny how something so small rules the roost?

themorganfam said...

I can't even imagine nights without sleep. Jeremiah will only take short 1/2 naps during the day also but night he sleeps really well. Hopefully soon you will be getting your much needed sleep. By the way I need your email adress so you can stalk my blog like I stalk yours.

The Riggs said...

Oh she is such a doll!!!!! Who needs sleep??

Brook said...

You don't know me but my name is Brook and my husband is Dave. My Mom accidentally stumbled onto your blog looking for ours so I thought I would shoot you a little note. Cute baby!

Brook Mann

PS I was surprised to see that you spelled your name the same way I do!

Mike and Kimmy said...

She is so adorable! I love the pic with her little tongue sticking out!

Perrero Clan said...

I LOVE your blog page template!!! It is so dang cute! And I love how Mia is sticking out her tongue in the last picture...saying..."ha ha ha mommy! I don't sleep"