Monday, July 21, 2008

Mystery Monday #2

Well it's Monday again and I want to thank everyone for their comments about last weeks Mystery Monday. I still don't see why such tight pants on boys is popular. Call me out of date but GROSS!!!! So here is the next mystery and we'll see how many of you can answer this one. It's a doozy.

What in the world is the appeal of White Castle?


the mortensen's said...

No idea! I refuse to even set foot in that place!
Miss you guys!

Stephens said...

Hey Brook- I wanted to see pictures of your baby and came over to your blog which has me laughing pretty hard. Mystery Monday, I love it. About the pants, I seriously donated a bunch of old jeans I was getting rid of to a guy I used to work with, seriously and he wasn't embarassed about it at all!
About White Castle- I am pretty sure it is for people with the "munchies" at 2 in the morning!
Anyway- your baby looks cute!!

Kelli said...

I have no clue, but Brent LOVES them. Personally I think they are disgusting!!

Leslie said...

I have no idea, but I have to admit, I sometimes crave them late at night. There. My secret is out.

Perrero Clan said...

Not a clue! I don't understand it either. Every time their seductive commercial/advertisement comes on... it just makes me gag. Nasty!

Heather said...

I had a friend who was so sick during her pregnancy. Every once in a while she craved a Slider. She said it was the only thing she could keep down. GROSS!

The Riggs said...

I say it's the risk-takers who like it. Will it kill you or just make you really sick??? :)

Candy said...

Forget White Castle...I would rather talk about that little girl getting squished between the two kisses: Mia Kellee rasmussen. She looks like she is saying "Mmmm". Love, DeeDee

The Wrays said...

I have no idea. Every now and then Michael will crave them, go and get some, and within an hour or so, remember why he hates them and wish that he had not craved them in the first place. I never have liked them and always make him stop somewhere else for me. I think it might just be a KY thing .. they were raised on them and do not know why they like them.