Sunday, February 3, 2008

UNDER 100!!!!

Just wanted to take a second and have everyone notice my baby ticker is under 100 days to go! I have been so sick with a nasty cold this week and sound a little like a TB patient, so this has really made me smile! I am so thrilled. 99 days still sounds like a long way to go to me, but praise be to under 100 finally!!!!


Lacey said...

It goes by SO fast...99 days is really not that long....

We have 4 weeks from Wednesday...4 WEEKS! I'm totally flipping out!

Enjoy the next 3 months!!

Max Fam said...

99 days left! Let's start singing . 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 days til you can drink again. Yeah! jk :) But I just wanted to get that song stuck in your head. That's what friends are for.

Leslie said...

Have you cleaned and washed every surface of your house yet? My house could not have been cleaner by the time Daniel made his appearance.

Steuer Family News said...

I finally got your blog address! You are on the countdown! It will feel like forever, unfortunately, but WILL end! Have a great week!

the mortensen's said...

I can't believe how fast your preganancy is going for me! HA! Hurry up and get better so you can come meet Gavin!

Perrero Clan said...

I love that we are having babies so close together! It will come so fast...but just not while we're going through it....only when we look back

Caitlin and Jared said...

CONGRATS!!! And Best of Luck!
