Wednesday, March 31, 2010

St Patty's Day Revisited

We started the day with green shamrock pancakes. They looked pitiful but Mia thought they were awesome. We spent St Patty's Day at the park with some buddies. Mia is a daredevil which is proving very scary for me. She climbs up high and goes down huge slides. She hasn't learned to put her feet down at the end of the slide so she just flips over onto the ground, usually face first. It's horrible and she has 2 fat lips right now. She doesn't care though (even if she screams and cries) and just says "try again".


Max Fam said...

Owen is jealous that Mia has other buddies.

We'll come see you soon, I promise. Matt is not on next week, but we'll come the next time he's gonna be gone fo' sho'!


Caitlin and Jared said...

Just got caught up a bit! Cute fam' you two!
It's good to see you!

-jared koyle