Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nawlins Visitors

My sister's family drove from Louisiana for a short visit. We had a great time even though we didn't really do anything. I slacked majorly on pictures and am now regretting it, of course. Mia and Charlotte are 3 months apart and had fun playing AND fighting. Mia is an only child and used to having everything her way and Charlotte is number 3 in her family so she is used to fighting for what she wants in this world! They made an interesting duo for sure. I love that Mia has a cousin her age! Even though they will grow up far apart, I still bet they will be best friends!

My niece Grace is very creative!

Charlotte has the sweetest smile!

Our little pink girls.


Holly said...

With Charlotte's cute little bald head, she looks way younger than Mia! Brinley's the same way I don't think she's ever going to grow any hair. It makes her seem even more like our little baby though. I love the pics!! I can't wait to see Melissa's fam when they make the big move.